Is Tech Evil? Or Just Its Creators?

Making the world a better place was just another tagline

Jacky Tang


The latest round of the billionaire, tech mogul dick-measuring contest came in the form of the privatized space race. Bezos took the lead in the meme-o-verse with his strong Dr. Evil vibes. From the cringey belly laugh to the penis-shaped rocket it was hard not to see the likeness. All he was missing was a hairless cat and a mini-Bezos. Meanwhile, Richard Branson also got his first taste of sub-orbital space, while Elon Musk’s SpaceX inches closer to abandoning Earth to become Martians. If we had to guess 10 or 20 years ago where tech would lead us, nobody would believe the answer would be joyrides in space for rich people.

At their humble beginnings, the foundations of tech sat upon some wholesome goals. Google and Wikipedia were making information more accessible. Apple wanted to make computer gadgets stylish and useful for anyone. Facebook and Twitter sought to connect us online and give people a platform to share their voice. Reddit and YouTube were still entertainingly weird and unusual. Musk was still at PayPal helping to make online payments seamless. And Amazon was a bookstore started in a garage. Like the start of any venture, the tech world seemed to hold endless possibilities as the wild west of new ventures.



Jacky Tang

A software-psychology guy breaking down the way we think as individuals and collectives